Burning of The Holy Quran is NOT a peaceful act Nor a God fearing Christian Act.

Ask yourself and search your soul as a good christian.

1) Would I burn the name of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him).

2) Would I turn away from any teaching that would; praises Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him).

3) Would I go against the teaching of Love (turn the other cheek) and not be Merciful as Jesus (PBUH)?

There are more mention of Jesus (PBUH) in Holy Quran than Mohammad (PBUH).

So ask yourself; would Jesus PBUH have supported a violent action against his own teachings to burn a Holy Book like Quran that Praises him?

Ask yourself!


The name “Dove World Outreach Center”, would make one think it is about peace and love as Jesus (Peace be upon him) would teach; but no.

Voice your opinion against the hateful blogs in the following link (if possible).



So from a muslim, US citizen, Holy Quran Reading person to all :

Peace and Mercy Be Upon All of Us!

  1. Guy Macher
    October 20, 2010 at 12:02 am

    What do you read in the Koran which brings you peace Mr John J Johson?

    • January 16, 2011 at 3:04 am

      Everything from the start of every chapter starting with “In the Name of God (Allah) Most Gracious Most Merciful”.

      A teaching that starts with everything with such praise can only be of PEACE!

      Please come and read the Holy Quran as I have; it’ll clean your soul. There is nothing confusing as the trinity or god giving birth to himself there.

      Jesus is praised there and is taught that he is one of the Great Prophets of God and NOT son of .

      Peace Be upon you and May you be Guided in Straight Path!

      John J Johnson

    • December 25, 2012 at 9:03 pm

      Just the Start “In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful”!

      What else can one ask for… It’s short but means so much! Think my Brother!

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